This catalog was published in conjuction with the exhibition “Lucio Fontana: The Poetics of Space between Creation and Representation”, held in The State Russian Museum from 3 March through 15 May, 2006.
This publication introduces Lucio Fonatana, one of the artists of the post-war generation who put Italy in the forefront of the world art, to the Russian public. It comprises articles on all the aspects of the artist's oeuvre, illustrated catalogue, the artist's biography, and selected bibliography.
The works featured represent the spatialism period of Fontana's oeuvre. He developed this manner, and it was to become the key one in his oeuvre. Included are works from the “Space, matter, dynamism”, “Space as light”, “Metaphysical and represented space”, “End of God”, “Puppet Theatre”, and “Space as space” series.
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