TypeProjectDates10.2015PlaceVadsø KunstforeningKeywordsApplied art and design, Norway, Open systems: painting, Open systems: art to the masses, Open systems: literacy campaign, Open systems: outskirts, Open systems: borderline territories, Open systems: space of dialogue, Open systems: creating an environment, Self‑organizationParticipantsSharova Ekaterina/ CuratorGebhardt Monika/ CocuratorZharenova Olga/ ArtistIshkaraeva Tatiana/ Artist7 personsRelated organizationsArctic Art Institute/ OrganizerVadsø Kunstforening/ LocationRelated archival documents/ 2 entries Archival documentsПроект «Лоскутная полифония» самоорганизации Arctic Art Institute10.2015PhotoArchival documentsКураторский текст Екатерины Шаровой к проекту «Лоскутная полифония»10.2015Archival document