Date of birth/death2 February 1906 – 11 July 1978Other names—Place of BirthNew York CityPlace of DeathSprings, New YorkGND—VIAF—Groups—KeywordsArt history and art criticism, Literature, USA, Philosophy, Art educationRelated library entries/ 6 entries LibraryТрадиция нового2019LibraryХудожественный журнал. — 1996, № 11 (11)1996LibraryPop Art: a Critical History1997LibraryArt in the Land. A critical Anthology of Environmental Art1983LibraryTheories of Modern Art: A Source Book by Artists and Critics1968LibraryReading Abstract Expressionism: Context and Critique2005Related archival documents/ 1 entry Archival documentsПеревод статьи Поля Шлиммеля «Прыжок в пустоту. Перформанс и объект»Archival document