Date of birth/death18 июля 1948Other namesCuriger Bice, Куригер БичеPlace of BirthZürichGND124237002VIAF111799878Groups—KeywordsVenice Biennale, Criticism, Curatorial practicesRelated events1996Meret Oppenheim: Beyond the Teacup, New York City / Curator201154‑я Венецианская биеннале, Venice / CuratorRelated library entries/ 10 entries LibraryDefining Contemporary Art — 25 Years in 200 Pivotal Artworks2011LibraryFranz West2013LibraryUrs Fischer: Shovel In a Hole2009LibraryVitamin 3-D: New Perspectives in Sculpture and Installation2014LibraryRiotous Baroqe: From Cattelan to Zurburan2012LibraryАртхроника. — 2011, № 501.05.2011LibraryКонец эпохи позднего железа2015LibraryCritique d'art. — 2022. no. 5901.09.2022LibraryVan Gogh Drawings: Influences & Innovations2015LibraryParkett1984Related archival documents/ 1 entry Archival documentsICI Newsletter. Focusing On Contemporary Art01.08.1993Booklet