Date of birth/death14 июля 1961Other namesJones AmeliaPlace of BirthDurham, USAGND122492838VIAF29677593Groups—KeywordsArt history and art criticism, Criticism, Curatorial practices, Performance, FeminismRelated library entries/ 17 entries LibraryPostmodernism and the En‑gendering of Marcel Duchamp1994LibraryIrrational Modernism: A Neurasthenic History of New York Dada2004LibraryCindy Sherman: Retrospective2013LibraryBody Art/ Performing the Subject1998LibrarySelf/ Image. Technology, representation, and the contemporary subject2006LibraryMousse Magazine. — 2023. no. 8301.03.2023LibraryThe Visual Culture Reader2013LibraryChris Burden: Extreme Measures2013LibraryLive Art in LA: Performance in Southern California, 1970–19832012LibraryModern Art Culture: A Reader2009LibraryThe Gothic2007LibraryStelarc: The Monograph2005