Date of birth/death1938Other names—Place of BirthSt. PetersburgGND—VIAF—Groups—Keywords—Related events1975Nonkonformistische Russische Maler (Фрайбург), Freiburg im Breisgau / Artist1976Открытие «Музея современного русского искусства в изгнании», Montgeron / Artist1976Religious Movement in the USSR, London / Artist1976Alternativen nonkonformistische Malerei in Russland, Esslingen / Artist6 eventsRelated archival documents/ 4 entries Archival documents«Дело» Гуткиной1982Manuscript / TypescriptArchival documentsConcerning the Spiritual In Russian Art, 1965–2011. Selections from the Kolodzei Art Foundation26.01.2013InvitationArchival documentsConcerning the Spiritual In Russian Art, 1965–2011. Selections from the Kolodzei Art Foundation26.01.2013BookletArchival documentsРелигия и советские художники‑нонконформисты22.04.1976Article