Date of birth/death9 марта 1936Other names—Place of BirthThe Bronx, New YorkGND118921770VIAF5217168Groups—KeywordsConceptual art, USARelated events1972Documenta 5, Kassel / ArtistRelated library entries/ 11 entries LibraryMousse Magazine. — 2017. no. 5901.06.2017LibraryMousse Magazine. — 2019. no. 6701.03.2019LibraryContent: A Contemporary Focus, 1974–19841984LibraryDuring the Exhibition the Gallery Will Be Closed2012LibrarySlideshow: Projected Images in Contemporary Art2005LibraryКонцептуализм1993Librarydocumenta 51942LibraryEncyclopaedia of the Word: Artist Dialogues 1968–20082010LibraryDisappearances1990LibraryKünstlerbücher. Die Sammlung// Artists' Books: The Collection2017LibraryBiennials and Beyond: Exhibitions that Made Art History, 1962–20022013