Biography T.J Clark is a Professor Emeritus of Modern Art, University of California, Berkeley. Date of birth/death12 April 1943Other namesClark T. J., Кларк Тимони ДжеймсPlace of Birth—GND—VIAF—Groups—KeywordsCriticismRelated library entries/ 17 entries LibraryFarewell to an Idea : Episodes from a History of Modernism1999LibraryLowry and the Painting of Modern Life2013LibraryThe Painting of Modern Life: Paris in the Art of Manet and his Followers1984LibraryThe Absolute Bourgeois: Artists and Politics in France, 1848–18511982LibraryLowry and the Painting of Modern Life2013LibraryArt of the Twentieth Century. A Reader2003LibraryReconstructing Modernism: Art in New York, Paris, and Montreal 1945–19641979LibraryOctober. — 1997. no. 79 (79)01.01.1997LibraryOctober. — 2002. no. 100 (100)01.03.2002LibraryJeff Wall: The Complete Edition2009LibraryArt in Modern Culture: an Anthology of Critical Texts1992LibraryReading Abstract Expressionism: Context and Critique2005