Biography Британский куратор. Date of birth/death18 октября 1942Other namesBrett GuyPlace of BirthRichmondGND129429678VIAF19804758Groups—KeywordsUK, Art history and art criticism, Curatorial practicesRelated library entries/ 9 entries LibraryMona Hatoum2010LibraryGabriel Orozco2009LibraryOctober. — 2008. no. 123 (123)01.01.2008LibrarySusan Hiller2011LibraryForce Fields: Phases of the Kinetic2000LibraryChance2010LibraryThe Triumph of Icarus: Life and Art of Rasheed Araeen2014LibraryRasheed Araeen: Making Myself Visible1984LibraryHélio Oiticica: Folding the Frame2016