Date of birth/death6 February 1914 – 1988Other names—Place of BirthIvanovoPlace of DeathMoscowGND—VIAF—Groups—KeywordsPainting, Landscape, Portrait, Socialist realismRelated events1995From Gulag to Glasnost: Nonconformist Art from the Soviet Union, New Brunswick / ArtistRelated library entries/ 3 entries LibraryFrom Gulag to Glasnost: Nonconformist Art from the Soviet Union1995LibraryFrom Gulag to Glasnost: Nonconformist Art from the Soviet Union1995LibraryFrom Gulag to Glasnost: Nonconformist Art from the Soviet Union1995Related archival documents/ 1 entry Archival documentsСтатья «Искусство в сумерках тоталитаризма»1996Manuscript / Typescript