Date of birth/death13 September 1941Other names—Place of BirthOsakaGND118895028VIAF109158630Groups—KeywordsArchitecture, JapanRelated library entries/ 10 entries LibraryTheorizing a New Agenda for Architecture: an Anthology of Architectural Theory 1965–19951996LibraryНовый словарь дизайнера2014LibraryArchitecture Now! Vol. 102015LibrarySince Meiji: Perspectives on the Japanese Visual Arts, 1868–20002012LibraryТадао Андо. Геометрия жизненного пространства2008Library100 Contemporary Wood Buildings2017LibraryАрхитектура ХХ века. Утопии и реальность. Т. 22002LibraryArchitecture: the Whole Story2014LibraryTadao Ando: The Geometry of Human Space2016LibraryTadao Ando: Complete Works2000