Date of birth/death1944Other names—Place of Birth—GND—VIAF—Groups—Keywords—Related events1972Documenta 5, Kassel / Artist1987Sacred Spaces, Syracuse, New York / Artist1995La Biennale di Venezia 46. esposizione internationale d'arte. Identity and Alterity: Figures of the Body 1895/1995, Venice / ArtistRelated library entries/ 3 entries LibraryBiennials and Beyond: Exhibitions that Made Art History, 1962–20022013Librarydocumenta 51942LibraryАрте Повера в Москве. Произведения из коллекции Кастелло ди Риволи2011Related archival documents/ 1 entry Archival documentsEverson Museum of Art Bulletin. February / March 198722.01.1987Brochure