Rudy Decelière — sound artist. Born in 1979 in France. Graduated from the University of Geneva in 1999, from Geneva School of Art and Design (HEAD) in 2003. Has been participating in collective exhibitions
since 2002. Artist’s first solo exhibition was in 2005 and since then his works are presented in
private galleries and state museums in various European countries. On the list of Decelière’s
personal achievements are more than 20 awards given by private funds and contemporary art
festivals. Lives and works in Geneva.
Rudy Decelière explores the capabilities of sound through installations, working both indoors and
in open space. He pays special attention to architectural elements, positioning of objects, and
natural sound landscape. During 15 years of his professional work the artist has been exploring
copper as the source of sound. Working with specifics of producing sound with copper, Rudy
Decelière draws sound into space, he visualizes the creation of sound. Swiss artist’s
installations inhabit the architectural forms, the structure of sound itself shows in them.
As part of the Artist‑in- Residence program of the Ural Biennial, Rudy Decelière creates spatial
installation at the White House (Kyshtym town) and at the final exhibition of the Artist‑in‑Residence program in cooperation with Kyshtym Electrolytic Copper Plant.