Biography Фотограф Date of birth/death—Other names—Place of Birth—GND—VIAF—Groups—KeywordsPhotographyRelated archival documents/ 13 entries Archival documentsDavid Claerbout, Unseen Sound, installation view, Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, Moscow, 20212021PhotoArchival documentsThomas Demand, Mirror Without Memory, installation view, Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, Moscow, 20212021PhotoArchival documentsDamián Ortega, The Modern Garden, installation view, Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, Moscow, 20182018PhotoArchival documentsGarage Triennial of Russian Contemporary Art, A Beautiful Night for All the People, installation view, Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, Moscow, 20202020PhotoArchival documentsAtelier E.B: Passer-by, installation view, Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, Moscow30.01.2020PhotoArchival documentsАлиса Горшенина. Самоискусствление14.02.2020PhotoArchival documentsСтроительство мастерских Музея современного искусства «Гараж. Москва, ВДНХ [до и после реконструкции]2019PhotoArchival documentsPaweł Althamer, Silence, installation view, Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, Moscow, 20212021PhotoArchival documentsGarage Studios Museum of Contemporary Art, Moscow, May 20192019PhotoArchival documentsИнсталляция Ильи и Эмилии Кабаковых «Как встретить ангела»PhotoArchival documentsВыставка «Худпром Конго: живопись для народа». Виды экспозиции в Музее «Гараж»2017ImageArchival documentsMonika Sosnowska, Exercises in Construction, Bending. Installation view, Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, 20202020Photo