Date of birth/death1966Other names—Place of Birth—GND128697822VIAF162268954Groups—KeywordsGender studies, Art history and art criticism, Criticism, Curatorial practices, USA, Differences theoryRelated library entries/ 12 entries LibraryWhat Was Contemporary Art?2013LibraryArtforum International. — 2007. V. 45 no. 1001.06.2007LibraryArtforum International. — 2005. V. 44 no. 101.09.2005LibraryWACK!: Art and the Feminist Revolution2007LibraryArtforum International. — 2020. V. 59 no. 301.12.2020LibraryArtforum International. — 2019. V. 58 no. 201.10.2019LibraryOctober. — 2010. no. 131 (131)01.01.2010LibraryShow & Tell: A Chronicle of Group Material2010LibraryArtforum International. — 2006. V. 44 no. 901.05.2006LibraryArtforum International. — 2004. V. 42 no. 601.02.2004LibraryOctober. — 2003. no. 104 (104)01.03.2003LibraryOctober. — 2009. no. 130 (130)01.09.2009