Date of birth/death14 July 1935 – 23 October 2016Other namesNakanishi NatsuyukiPlace of BirthTokyoGND128436964VIAF20735345GroupsHi‑Red Center, Neo‑Dada OrganizersKeywordsAvant‑garde, Conceptual art, Performance, JapanRelated library entries/ 4 entries LibraryVýtvarná Práce. — 1967. V. XV no. 623.03.1967LibraryJapanese Art After 1945: Scream Against the Sky1994LibraryMoney, Trains, and Guillotines: Art and Revolution in 1960s Japan2013LibraryRadicals and Realists in the Japanese Nonverbal Arts: The Avant‑Garde Rejection of Modernism2006Related archival documents/ 1 entry Archival documentsJménem zákona se zatýká nový realismus...23.03.1967Article