ТипГрупповая выставкаДаты10.06.2007 – 21.11.2007МестоЛа Сель-Сен-КлуКлючевые словаВенецианская биенналеУчастникиСторр Роберт/ КураторRapetti Rodolphe/ ХудожникАЕС & АЕС+Ф/ ХудожникАбдесемед Адель/ Художник26 персонСвязанные записи библиотеки/ 3 записи Библиотека52nd International Art Exhibition Venice Biennale “Think With the Senses, Feel With the Mind. Art in Present Tense”. Vol. I2007Библиотека52nd International Art Exhibition Venice Biennale. Pages in the wind: A reader. Texts chosen by the artists of the 52nd International Art Exhibition2007Библиотека52nd International Art Exhibition Venice Biennale “Think With the Senses, Feel With the Mind. Art in Present Tense”. Vol. II2007