ТипИздательствоМестоАбингдонДругие названия—Ключевые словаИздательское делоСвязанные записи библиотеки/ 276 записей БиблиотекаGoodman For Architects2014БиблиотекаAmerican Documentary Filmmaking in the Digital Age: Depictions of War in Burns, Moore, and Morris2015БиблиотекаAmerican Representations of Post‑Communism: Television, Travel Sites, and Post‑Cold War Narratives2015БиблиотекаTo Hell With Culture and Other Essays on Art and Society2002БиблиотекаIn the Aftermath of Art: Ethics, Aesthetics, Politics2006БиблиотекаPhotography and Place: Seeing and Not Seeing Germany After 19452016БиблиотекаArt and Phenomenology2011БиблиотекаViolence, Visual Culture, and the Black Male Body2011БиблиотекаAesthetic Practices and Politics in Media, Music, and Art: Performing Migration2011БиблиотекаGlobal Perspectives on Tarzan: From King of the Jungle to International Icon2012БиблиотекаThe Other in Contemporary Migrant Cinema: Imagining a New Europe?2016БиблиотекаThe City Reader2011