ТипИздательствоМестоБилефельдДругие названия—Ключевые словаГермания, Издательское делоСвязанные записи библиотеки/ 13 записей БиблиотекаUrban Hacking: Cultural Jamming Strategies in the Risky Spaces of Modernity2010БиблиотекаArchitects and Post‑Disaster Housing: A Comparative Study in South India2014БиблиотекаArt Unlimited?: Dynamics and Paradoxes of a Globalizing Art World2016БиблиотекаPhotography in Latin America: Images and Identities Across Time and Space2016БиблиотекаDance [and] Theory2013БиблиотекаA New Thoughtfulness in Contemporary China: Critical Voices in Art and Aesthetics2011БиблиотекаArt / Commerce: The Convergence of Art and Marketing in Contemporary Culture2014БиблиотекаArt and Sustainability: Connecting Patterns for a Culture of Complexity2011БиблиотекаSpace (Re)Solutions: Intervention and Research in Visual Culture2011БиблиотекаMetaphors in Architecture and Urbanism: An Introduction2013БиблиотекаContesting Visibility: Photographic Practices on the East African Coast2013БиблиотекаImage Politics of Climate Change: Visualizations, Imaginations, Documentations2014