3 текста / 3 texts:
MANI4.02.19.01: Typed manuscript of poetry with hand-drawn diagrams. 18 pp
MANI4.02.19.02: Theoretical text about the current state of art, particularly conceptual art and action art, titled “Концепт как авангард авангарда / Kontsept kak avangard avangarda [The concept as the vanguard of the avant-garde]”, 22 pp
MANI4.02.19.03: Theoretical text on the subject of photography and painting, “По поводу состоявшегося в декабре 1981 г. в Центре технической эстетики симпозиума, посвященного фотографии и живописи / Po povodu sostoiavshegosia v dekabre 1981 g. d Tsentre tekhnicheskoi estetiki simpoziuma, posviashchennogo fotografii I zhivopisi [On the symposium dedicated to photography and painting that took place in December, 1981, at the Center for technical aesthetics]”, 17 pp
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